Graphic Design

| About

This project explores how to make the boring instruction manual description more interesting.

Most time, when we unwrap an item, we would put the instruction manual in a corner or reach can. Most people didn’t even notice the instructions. I wonder why people are not interested in the instruction manual of the small objects, and I started the project on that basis.

The instruction for the household machinery tends to look useless compared to those larger objects such as furniture. The black-and-white Printing and the complicated technical terms make people lose the enthusiasm of opening it at the beginning.

In this assignment, I pay more time in exploring how to interested user to open up the manual and how to teach them by a fun way.

| Solution

The final project is the basis on the existing instruction book to make improvements.

The key point in this project is exploring how to give the user more interesting in the boring instruction manual. Following the key point, I add more interaction between the user and manual. Extract the essential operating and instrument information, and let the user to open, to fold instructions and take the initiative to understand the project structure. When they interact with an instruction book, the brain will be better able to remember the content.

- What are the questions?-
1.  It lots of technical terminologies and most of the information that is useless.

2.  Simple layout design, which makes the user lose interest at first glance.

3.  Most of them are flip-flops. Lack of creativity.